life at mulberry


Our Story
Throughout our 20 years of experience we have been dedicated to early years best practices. We are up to date on current teaching techniques and strategies. We believe in an interdisciplinary approach where we combine character development with academic development. The journey that children embark upon at Mulberry House has proven to be successful in preparing young learners on their educational endeavours.
Small Ratio
High Impact
Student : Teacher

A tAILORED Learning
Mulberry House prides itself in having an ability to provide an individualised learning journey.
We believe in the importance of individuality and, in doing so, tailor our education to each individual student demonstrated by our exceptional 4:1 student teacher ratio. As such, we ensure that each individual child meets their developmental and social-emotional goals.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
A Nursery Student
In the Nursery classrooms, independence is encouraged as they explore various activities based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum both inside the classroom and outdoors. When each child enters the classroom, they can take on the role of artist, scientist, mathematician, architect, musician, and even a princess or dinosaur!
Nursery 1
18 months +
introducing socialization through structured activities
Nursery 2
2 Years +
Developing independent skills and further socialization
1 Teacher
1 Teacher Assistant
1 Nursery Nanny
A Kindergarten Student
In the Kindergarten classrooms, the children are not only encouraged to be independent in their learning, but also to take initiative as they prepare for their next steps. Building upon socialisation skills from Nursery, Kindergarten children will explore literacy through Jolly Phonics and the Oxford Reading Tree.
Kindergarten 1
3 Years +
(By AUG)
Learning Phonetics
basic vocabulary
Kindergarten 2
4 Years +
(By AUG)
fostering reading, writing, and numeracy skills
1 Teacher
1 Teacher Assistant
17 Years
Cultivating young minds
Afterschool Activities
The little Series
Little Chefs
Little Artists
Little Scientists
Physical Activities
Ballet Class
Dance and Drama
Language Programs
English Club
Thai Class
Food and Nutrition

Mulberry seeks to introduce students to a wide variety of nutritious cuisine. We want to make the experience both fun and structured by applying 'themes' to each day of the week, ranging from Japanese to Italian. As the children grow, they develop life skills in which they serve their own food and practice table manners
Health and Safety is also of utmost importance in our canteen. If your child has dietary requirements, we take special care in providing alternative meal options.